Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Training Day 11

At 70% & 80%
Run 800m + 20 burpees
Rest 4:00
At 90%, 95%, 97%
Run 800m + 20 burpees
Rest 20:00

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Training Day 10

Ninja, Shrieky & Sarge
A. High Bar Back Squat 60% 1RM; 8 x 3 reps @ 20X0; rest 60s
B. Muscle-ups amrap(-1) x 2 sets; rest 180s
C. Ring Dips 6-4-2-6-4-2; rest 180s
D1. AMRAP(-1) HSPU x 3 sets; rest 180s
D2. 25 Chin-ups unbroken x 3 sets; rest 180s

M2, Yogi, JPod
A1. Ring Dips (add weight if possible) 6-4-2-6-4-2; rest 120s
A2. Weighted Chin-up 6-4-2-6-4-2; rest 120s
C1. AMRAP(-1) HSPU x 3 sets; rest 180s
C2. 25 Chin-ups unbroken x 3 sets; rest 180s

Training Day 9

With 15:00 countdown, starting with 135#:
each female deadlifts the bar once
each male cleans (squat or power) the bar once

Each successful rep is a point
Each person can only lift the weight once
Add 10# and go again and again until nobody can lift the bar anymore
or the timer is done.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Training Day 8 Part 2

Saturday PM
run 45 minutes @ Z1

Training Day 8

relay for time;
row 300m + 30 burpees + run 1 lap
each person goes once... when runner tags rowing machine, the next
partner may begin

Friday, May 13, 2011

Training Day 7

for time;
30 squat cleans, 135/95
60 c2b chinups
25 clean & jerk, 135/95 (power clean is ok)
50 ring dips
20 thrusters, 135/95
40 hspu
15 squat clean & jerk, 135/95 (cannot drop bar b/t movements)
30 burpee + c2b chinup
* You can only have 3 people in the “arena” at a time. You have only 2
barbells and 1 chin-up bar and 1 set of rings. You can tag yourself
out and a partner in by running to where the rest of your team is
standing (~15m away).
* In our gym, this would be set up by having the barbells, rings, etc.
all set up at the far end of the gym, and have the teammates who are
not in the “arena” waiting on the carpeted area at the front of the

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Training Day 6

Run 10x[30s 90%/30s 50%]
A1. AMRAP HSPU; rest 120s
* Sub HSPU negatives x 5 @ 40X0
A2. 7-9 GH Raises; rest 120s
4 sets
Run 10x[30s 90%/30s 50%]